90 minutes, Color
In this uproarious, clever comedy, Sarah and Tom, a financially strained couple, face unexpected chaos when an uninvited guest, Jessica, mysteriously passes away during their dinner party. Faced with the daunting task of concealing Jessica's untimely demise, Sarah and Tom, along with friends Richard and Beth, embark on a hilarious scheme to maintain the illusion of normalcy. Featuring a stellar ensemble cast including Shirley Henderson, Alan Tudyk, Rufus Sewell, Olivia Williams, and Indira Varma, the film delivers sharp wit and humor. Matt Winn's direction keeps the pace brisk throughout the tight runtime, and the screenplay, co-written by Winn, is filled with plot twists and witty dialogue. The Trouble with Jessica explores the absurd lengths people will go to protect themselves and maintain appearances amidst financial turmoil. It's an entertaining examination of desperation and moral compromise in contemporary society that will keep audiences laughing from start to finish.—Various sources
Followed by a reception, cash bar at Penn Social at 6:15 PM
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P.O. Box 21396 Washington, DC 20009
Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM